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Registro de marcas nacionales en otros paises

Registration of international trademarks under the Madrid System

The Madrid system, which regulates the registration of the international trademark, establishes a procedure of simultaneous request that allows you to request at the same time a mark in several countries. Although in its early phases, the processing is common in last term is the National offices of the PI of the countries designated in the application, which grant or deny the brand in each country.

Management and administration of the registration of marks international 

The Organization World Intellectual Property organization WIPO/WIPO it is the institution that manages and administers the registration of international trade marks. Its function is to receive requests from international brands, to make your formal examination and manage the collection of fees, both of request renewal of registrations granted.

Once you overcome the formal examination conducted by the WIPO/WIPO, this gives the transfer to the National Offices of the PI of the designated countries are those that will continue with the processing of the brand.

Do you want to register a trademark internationally?


In EUROSIGNO we have many successful cases in the registry of international brands